Indenting & Imports

James Finlay Ltd. which is now JF (Bangladesh) Limited, has been involved in indenting business in Bangladesh for many years.

Our main Principal is the Inter Oil & Gas Co. Ltd. (IOG), who are based in Bangkok and who represent well known Principals in the Oil & Gas Sector.

We procure tender documents on behalf of IOG from Government owned Oil & Gas Companies, such as:

At present, we provide our secretarial services to the following companies:

    • Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration & Production Co. Ltd. (BAPEX)
    • Bangladesh Gas fields Co. Ltd. (BGFCL)
    • Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. (SGFL)
    • Titas Gas Transmission & Distribution Co. Ltd.

These documents are then sent to IOG who obtain quotations from the Principals. The quotations are sent to us for submission to the various Oil & Gas Companies . We also provide various information and data relating to the Oil & Gas business as requested by our Principals.

Import Business
We represent Firn Overseas Packaging Limited, England, in selling paper sacks for tea & Cement Industries in Bangladesh.

We also import sugar, rice, lentils and other items from various countries as per requirement and make arrangements to sell these products in the local markets as and when required.

For more information, please contact us:

I. H. Khan
Senior General Manager

Joined James Finlay Limited in the Lloyd’s Agency, Chittagong in the year 1979. Served in the Company’s Khulna Lloyd’s Sub-Agency office from 1979 to 1982 and was then transferred to the Head Office in Chittagong. Took over as Manager of the Lloyd’s Agency in 1995 and later as General Manager in 2005. Has responsibility for the overall supervision on the activities of Lloyds Agency in Chittagong and two Sub-Agencies in Khulna & Dhaka. Has considerable experience in the fields of various types of marine & non-marine surveys including handling of marine insurance claims.

Mr. Khan has completed the Basic Course in General Insurance conducted by Bangladesh Insurance Academy in the year 1997, where he secured distinction marks. Has represented the Company in various South Asian Regional meetings of Lloyds Agencies and also attended in the Lloyds Agency Global Conference held in the year 2000. Mr. I. H. Khan further attended Bicentenary Conference organized by Lloyd’s Agency Department held in UK in May, 2011. Also Conference held in London in the year 2014 where all Lloyd;s Agents from various parts of the World have participated

Phone :+880-2333315542
Switch Board:+880-2333316321-5(five lines),Ext.160
AOH :+880-31-619480;;

Mohammad  Shaheed

Mob: +880-1730044914                                                                                                                                                                         

Switch Board:+880-2333316321-5(five lines),Ext.160
Email:;                                                                                                          ;

Nayan Chandra                                                                                                                                                                             

Assistant- Manager

Bachelor of Arts (Hon’s) and Masters of Arts in English. He has completed LLI E-Learning Module One in the website of Lloyds of London. He has attended a professional training in Mumbai, India in the year 2018 arranged by Lloyds of London by their experts. After completion of the training, he has appeared at written exams and has successfully passed in the professional exam of “Claims & Recovery Module-3”. A certificate was obtained by him from Lloyds of London. He attended a training course on ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management Systems) organized by ISOQAR, Bangladesh Ltd. He attended Office Management Course on MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint organized by Mass Information Technology. He is involved in conducting various types of surveys, preparing the survey reports, contacting & corresponding with local as well as various overseas principals all over the world specially the Cargo Insurers and Claim Settling Agents.

Mobile +880-1713-554851
Switch Board:+880-2333316321-5(five lines),Ext.162;;;


JF (Bangladesh) Limited

Finlay House
11   Agrabad C/ A,
Chittagong -4100,
General lines :+880 2333316321-5 (Five Lines),
Fax :+880  2333310006

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